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Covid 19

WBC is commited to fighting

the spread of COVID-19

Opening In-Person Worship by Phases

Phase 0 

Due to the​ Greater Sacramento "Regional Stay Home Order" which went into effect on 12/10, we have moved the majority of services online for your convenience. All service updates will be posted through our Facebook page or on our Home page


Phase 1

We will start by having services outside at 9 am. Our buildings will be closed with the exception to one bathroom which will be cleaned after each use. The services will also be broadcasted over our local coverage FM signal at 88.5 FM. This FM signal should be able to be picked up by your car radio if you park in front of the auditorium. Provisionally we have canceled all Sunday schools, Sunday night services and children’s church classes. We plan to keep all our services brief to limit contact. We encourage you to bring your own PPE (personal protective equipment), however facemasks are not required to attend. We will supply hand sanitizer as you enter the meeting area and another hand sanitizer station in the meeting area.


Phase 2

In the second phase we will move into the auditorium. The morning service will resume at the normal time of 10 am.  The main bathrooms will be open and cleaned before and after the service. To help us maintain compliance with our county guidelines, please bring a face mask as face masks are required. The services will also be broadcasted over our local coverage FM signal at 88.5 FM. This FM signal should be able to be picked up by your car radio if you park in front of the auditorium. Hand sanitizer will be supplied in the foyer and another station inside the auditorium. Provisionally we have canceled all Sunday schools, and evening services. In phase 2 we plan to resume children church in a large, well ventilated room. In the auditorium we plan to create social distancing by spreading out rows in the auditorium. We also plan to keep all our services in phase 2 brief to limit contact.


Phase 3 (current phase)

In the third phase we will resume Sunday school, evening service and mid-week kids club's and youth group. We will begin to use the hymns again and pass the offering plates. The services will continue to be broadcast over our local coverage FM signal at 88.5 FM for at risk individuals. Hand sanitizer will continue to be supplied in the foyer and bathrooms will continue to be cleaned at regular times. We also plan to resume the normal length of our services.


How you can help:

  • Praying for our in-person gatherings and church leadership

  • Staying home when sick


If you have any questions please reach out to me by email or give me a call in the office at 916-687-7693. May the Lord continue to bless and protect us as we get back together for worship and fellowship.

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